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Half Price Harness Zorbing for One Exclusive Special Offer

Half Price Harness Zorbing for One Exclusive Special Offer
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  • Product code: 10121105
  • Category: Extreme
  • Seller: Buyagift.co.uk
  • Price: £23



Three feet off the ground and strapped inside a 12 foot inflatable sphere, this invigorating Harness Zorbing experience will give you the ride of your life! Tumbling down a hill at speeds of up to 30 miles an hour gravity will do all the work, leaving you to enjoy this experience, which is sure to be unlike anything you have ever tried before! Location: Chepstow, Dyfed (Wales) Oxford, Hertfordshire, West Sussex, Reading (South East) Nottingham, Birmingham (Midlands) Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Chester (North) Perth (Scotland)

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 Buyagift.co.ukHalf Price Harness Zorbing for One Exclusive Special Offer£ 23alternate text
 Buyagift.co.ukHalf Price Harness Zorbing for One Exclusive Special Offer£ 23alternate text