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Diggerland Admission for Two

Diggerland Admission for Two
  • Compare Prices
  • Product code: 4717
  • Category: Driving
  • Seller: Virgin Experience Days
  • Price: £40



Take a friend for an adventure at Diggerland. You will each receive admission to one of the four parks across the UK where you can both enjoy a full day of rides and drives in real full-sized diggers and construction equipment. Fun for all ages from as young as 3 you can enjoy driving these machines even without a driver's licence. Professionals will be on hand at all times to make sure you are completely safe. Find your nearest Diggerland in County Durham Devon Kent or West Yorkshire and you and your friend can enjoy over 18 exciting attractions that include digging holes and searching for treasure with these incredible powered vehicles testing your skills with fun activities such as Dippy Duck challenging each other to a game of Skittles driving 8 tonnes of digger or going for a spin on Spin Dizzy. For those that seek an adrenaline rush  it will be a fun-filled day out to be remembered.

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